HTML5 Development

HTML5 Development

Since HTML5 made its debut in October 2014, it make becomes pretty easy among the developers. It has been 17 years since the last version of HTML4 was released. HTML4, after usage of long time, is now being replaced by HTML5, on today’s web, users need a site that works with them, and easy to use for them. They need their sites to work with all media while still being readable by humans and computers alike. Users also need compatibility that works across all devices, not just on their computer. Being backward compatible, it runs on almost every browser out there including for mobile platforms, providing faster load times and smoother connection with third-party applications. HTML5 is fulfilled with this and more. With HTML5, developers can create apps that work across all platforms and can handle all multimedia and graphical content without the use of any third party software. Instead of working with a program that is constantly making it more difficult to design, HTML5 works with you to create rich and complex content easily. Although, you are using any kind of media file (audio, video etc) it is now easier than ever to build and present content on the web.

More Interactive

With older versions of HTML you could easily include texts and images on a page, but little else. HTML did a great job of laying out the text and images together but it still felt very static with all of the graphics (video and audio) that one could get with other software. Not anymore! With HTML5, you can include video/audio, css3, WebGL, offline, geolocation, and many more, plus the program itself is much more interactive. HTML5 is more advance level application development which allows you to use graphics, store data, and exchange data.


With HTML5 there are many techniques that help the app to save data on the client’s device. In addition to that, you can sync it back to the server. This means that your app can work on offline mode, maybe even syncing data back after the client is connected to the server again. Even, you don’t have to worry about slow internet connection, you can show a lot of data at once without having to force the user to wait for the page to load. This does make the data more vulnerable, so be careful, but overall it just helps you.

A Builder’s Best Friend

HTML5 is here to help you to build a web app. With additions to the ECMAScript (the JavaScript language), new ways to use the DOM, and other old trusted allies (like XMLHttpRequest and < input type=”file”>HTML5 is helpful and easier to use. Smarter APIs are also there to help. These APIs allow you to better understand what is happening inside of your application and help you make good choices when building your app. For instance, you can save battery/CPU and create really great user experiences. All of these additions make it easier for you, as a developer, to create great apps!

We hope you found all of this information helpful. HTML5 is a really great application. If you want to try a look of HTML5, contact us! We are here to help you.

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