Importance of Mobile Friendly Website

Importance of Mobile Friendly Website

Numerous business owners contemplate internally: " I have a great website, so why do I need to buy a mobile friendly website?" Mobile Friendly Website implies that your website should automatically adjust to every device which is being utilized to visit or browse the website, whether the device is a computer, a smartphone or a tablet. This means that the users do not have to make alterations by themselves; it has all done automatically.

Basically, If you do not have a mobile friendly website, you may lose website ranking, traffic and also your potential customers who reject your website when they attempt to view it on their mobile phones. As you know, Google has mentioned that mobile-friendliness is the key component of today's website, and Google is so convinced by that, it is also considered as a key factor in the placement of a website in search engine result pages.


  • About 60% of all Google searches are presently done by using mobiles.
  • Google's objective now is to provide a smooth and quick experience to the customers.
  • If your website is not mobile friendly, you may loose your website's ranking in search engine result pages.


If you do not know whether the website is mobile friendly or not, visit your website by using a smartphone. Does it appear like a scaled-down version of your desktop website? If so, then the website is not mobile friendly..

You can also check your website's mobile friendliness by using Google's Mobile Friendly Test.

In the event, if your website is not mobile-friendly, it becomes very necessary to make changes as soon as possible. You can simply choose a responsive website design, which means that you own only one website which can dynamically adjust to every device such as desktop, smartphone or tablet. Alternatively, you can also develop a separate mobile website with a separate website URL.


The three fundamental alternatives for making your website mobile-friendly are as follows:

  • Develop a mobile application
  • Develop a mobile website
  • Develop a responsive website

All in all, choosing one option is completely in your hands. What matter is that you should have a mobile friendly website at the end. When you are ready to take your step to mobile friendly website, then we would love to assist you. We have already developed many effective and effecient responsive websites and would love the chance to perform the same for your business.

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