Are you looking for a web developer who can make your PSD website and convert it to HTML? There are many firms that can do it for you and can offer manual coding during the process. But be aware many developers use software in converting your website because you might end up regretting this decision.

Manual coding is a first requirement in PSD to WordPress, HTML, XHTML, HTML5, and other conversion processes. If you choose otherwise, you will have to deal with the following problems in a website produced by software conversion:-

  • With the help of software conversion there may be many spotting errors in them because it values quantity over quality of work. If your website has erroneous coding, this will adversely affect the functionality of the website. It might take long time to load. And if it does, it might even be a different website than how you formatted it in PSD.
  • Clean coding structure is not guaranteed if software is used.
  • Automatic conversion might be fast but a quality website is not guaranteed.
  • Your website should be complete according to functionality otherwise you can’t expect happy customers. It’s so much easier for them to look for another website with more or less similar offerings to yours.

On the other hand, you will enjoy the following benefits from hand coded PSD to XHTML, WordPress, HTML, or other conversion processes:

  • W3C validated codes: - Quality codes always pass the W3C standards because they are free from errors. Because they are always written by professional developers.
  • Only important codes are used, unlike the large amounts generated in software coding. This helps your website to load faster, making customers happy.
  • Manually coded websites can be easily changed according on the changes in the search engine with software coding. You have to start from scratch if there are changes that have to be made.
  • Semantic coding is used in manual coding, which is search engine friendly. This can help your website rank higher in the SERPs.
  • Hand coded websites are consistent in terms of structure, colors, and other elements.
  • Manual coding web site is compatible for all kind or browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and many other common browsers.

If you are looking for PSD Conversion Company chooses psd2hmlt5, which will assure you provide manual coding. Their services will provide you 100% satisfaction with their fully professional developer’s work. They also assure you of the highest quality markup for all their services. Since they have been around for years, you can trust that they will keep on all their words.

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