cookies policy

To enhance your experience on our site, many of our web pages use "cookies". Cookies are small text files that we place in your computer's browser to store your preferences. Cookies, by themselves, do not tell us your email address or other personal information unless you choose to provide this information to us by, for example, registering at one of our sites. Once you choose to provide a web page with personal information, this information may be linked to the data stored in the cookie. A cookie is like an identification card. It is unique to your computer and can only be read by the server that gave it to you.

We use cookies to understand site usage and to improve the content and offerings on our site. For example, we may use cookies to personalise your experience on our web pages (e.g. to recognise you by name when you return to our site). We also may use cookies to offer you our services.

Cookies save you time as they help us to remember who you are. Cookies help us to be more efficient. We can learn about what content is important to you and what is not. We can revise or remove web pages that are not of interest and focus our energies on content you want.

If you want to control which cookies you accept. You can configure your browser to accept all cookies or to alert you every time a cookie is offered by a website's server. Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can set your browser option so that you will not receive cookies and you can also delete existing cookies from your browser. You may find that some parts of the site will not function properly if you have refused cookies.
Please be aware that if you do not configure your browser you will accept cookies provided by this website.

How to see cookies that you have accepted. You can configure your browser to accept all cookies or to alert you every time a cookie is offered by a website's server.

These links explain how you can control cookies via your browser - remember that if you turn off cookies in your browser then these settings apply to all websites not just this one:

  • Internet Explorer (this page links to further information for different versions of IE - the mobile version is at http:/ /
  • Chrome:
  • Safari: (or mobile versions)
  • Firefox: Enabling%20and%20disabling%20cookies
  • Blackberries: 32004/Turn_off_cookies_in_the_browser_60_1072866_11.jsp
  • Android:
  • Opera:

This Cookies Policy was last Updated on June, 17th 2015.

We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Cookies are files stored in your computer's browser and are used by most websites to help personalise your web experience.
See the cookie policy by continuing to use our website without changing the settings, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
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